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Following the Friendship Circle model of pairing individuals with special needs with typical volunteers for pastimes of friendship and recreation, Hang'n with Friends offers activities and modes of entertainment that are more age-appropriate for young adults. Scavenger hunts, community service projects, educational field trips, social outings, shopping sprees, gift and greeting-card campaignes for soldiers standing in the front lines in the defense of freedom - are some of the highlights of the Hang'n with Friends itinerary. Finally, adults with special needs are receiving the love, joy and friendship they too so desperately need and deserve.

For adults with special needs ages 15+

Dates for monthly gatherings:


October 28 

November 25

December 30

January 27

February 24

April 14

The location and time vary from month to month. Details will be anounced pior to each event. Please Contact us for further details.