Do you sometimes feel as though your kids are “climbing the walls” or at least seem ready to do so? Well here’s an opportunity for them to do just that without the walls being that of your home! In conjunction with the Agoura-Calabasas Community Center, the Friendship Circle hosts special rock climbing sessions on a beautiful indoor wall on the last Wednesday of (almost) every month. It’s fun. It’s challenging… and it’s completely safe. Professional supervision is on hand at all times.
Dates: Wednesdays – October 24; November 28; December 19; January 30; February 27; March 27; May 29
Time: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Location: Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center
27040 Malibu Hills Rd., Calabasas ( map)
FEE: None
Prior reservation required
Space for this program is limited.
Please reserve early to ensure space.